To initiate a return or exchange, please follow these steps:
Please note that we reserve the right to reject any return or exchange request that does not meet our policy or that is fraudulent or abusive. We also reserve the right to charge a restocking fee of 10% of the product price for any return or exchange request that is not due to our error.
Items directly purchased from can be returned within 15 days for a full refund or exchanged under the following circumstances:
Please inspect your order as soon as you receive it. We always strive to deliver your order in an efficient manner and ensure it is complete and undamaged. If, in the unlikely event, your order is missing, incorrect, or damaged, please contact us immediately.
If you encounter a malfunction or experience serious product quality issues that affect the use of your product, please contact us within 15 days of receiving your shipment.
If your product is unopened, you are eligible for a return or refund.
Other Notes:
Return and Refund Procedure:
If you wish to apply for a return or refund, please email the following information to We will send a confirmation email within 3 business days of receiving your request:
Once we confirm whether the package is unopened or not, we will provide a return address to the customer. The customer must then:
Once our processing center confirms there are no issues with the return, a refund will be processed.
Note: The time it takes for products to be sent back to our warehouse varies and may take up to 1 month. Our warehouse accepts returns every two weeks. If your return has not been processed according to your expectations, please wait patiently as our warehouse is located in three places: the United States, United Kingdom, and Europe. We will handle your return as quickly as possible.
You can cancel your order within 12 hours of placement. If your order has been submitted for more than 12 hours or has already been shipped out, it cannot be canceled. Please allow us 24 hours to fully process orders. If you do not receive a tracking number within 72 hours, please contact us at
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at We are always happy to help you.